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Club Penguin Game Day Wii Video Part 1

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You know how I got Club Penguin Game Day Wii a couple days ago? Well I've put together a video full of a couple of games, the surroundings and a lot more! Check out this video:



This is just part 1. Part two I've made, but haven't edited it yet so it will be coming out soon :) In the meantime tell me what you think of the game, video, and if you have it how much you love or hate the game in the comments!




#10 sk8tergrl483 2010-09-27 17:43
you gotta admit that there has been a couple glitches but still CP isn't perfect and they haven't had a couple glitches for a while...
about CPGD, try uploading coins to your account... I remember when I was on my DS playing Herbert's revenge, my coins didn't upload so I had to wait another day to upload coind and it was fine. Chill out... btw this is CP's first wii game so it's not perfect but it's close!
#9 lollipop299 2010-09-27 12:31
Thanks! I think your a awesome friend too! :DDDDDDDDDDDD
#8 sk8tergrl483 2010-09-27 04:46
Thanks lollipop299! I subscribed last night to you too! You're an awesome friend :-)
#7 Sheesh4 2010-09-26 17:14
#6 lollipop299 2010-09-26 16:36
P.S I think the game is funny! I want it!
#5 lollipop299 2010-09-26 16:33
i heard that u got a channel on youtube! I got a youtube too! :D i also subscribed to u on youtube yayyyyyy! :DDDDDD i going to request u as a friend on youtube too!
#4 Cutie12390 2010-09-26 14:08
Worst glitch EVER! Want to know what it is? Ok. I earned four stamps on club penguin game day. When i went on club penguin, only one was there! I might even quit cp soon because all of these annoying glitches! First, there was the mail one. Second, ( I like this one, but still) the hoddie glitch. Then, the glitch with this party. Now, the stamp glitch! I really think cp is getting realy irresponsible! ( I dont know how to spell it, but i think its right) Who agrees that all these glitches are getting really annoying?
#3 Sheesh4 2010-09-26 09:39
Haha! I LOVE the music, and the graphics! Everything is amazing! They did a great job making this game! =D
#2 chloe87504 2010-09-26 09:37
your great sk8tergrl u really really rock
#1 MagicWand124 2010-09-26 04:02
LOL! :P the game Goal was super funny! I really want the game! i have a wii though.

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