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May - June 2012 Clothing Catalog Cheats!

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In honor of the Medieval Party, Club Penguin has released a new issue of the Clothing Catalog dated for May and June. It's filled with everything from glittering princesses to roaring beasts. So without further ado, let's dig into the secrets!


Here's how to find the Red King's Crown, Septor and Cape:

1. Go to page 3

2. Click on the gold puffle


You have now found the Red King's Crown, Septor and Cape!

Here's how to find Blue King's Crown, Septor and Cape:

3. Go to the 6th page

4. Click on the Wizard's foot


You have now found the Blue King's Crown, Septor and Cape!

Here's how to find the Red and Blue viking Helmets:

5. Go to the 7th page

6. Click on the paintbrush



Click off and on 4 times


You have now found the Red and Blue Viking Helmets!

Here's how to find the Dark Chocolate Bunny costume:

7. Go to the 8th page

8. Click on the tree


You have now found the Dark Chocolate Bunny Costume!

Here's how to find the Recycle Outfit:

9.  Go to the 9th page

10. Click on the shovel


You have now found the Recycle Outfit!

Here's how to find the Oxford Shoes:

11. Go to the 10th page

12. Click on the face


You have now found the Oxford Shoes!

Here's how to find the White Boa:

13. Go to the 11th page

14. Click on the smile


You have now found the White Boa!
Here's how to find the Silver Star Necklace:

15. Go to the 12th page

16. Click on the face


You have now found the Silver Star Necklace!


Let the Medieval Festivities Begin!

Waddle On CPL!




#4 Bellabeana112 2013-12-16 01:43
:sad: :sad: :sad:
#3 andy 2013-05-09 23:04
#2 0sh4w0tt 2012-05-30 08:31
cant wait for the next catolog
#1 0sh4w0tt 2012-05-30 08:30
cant wait for the next catolog

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