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Club Penguin Cheats - August Clothing Catalog

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Wow this new stuff is pretty cool. Because of the 'Festaval of Flights' party coming soon, there's clothing to suit that, but first the new color Aqua.


Club Penguin Aqua Color

Club Penguin Aqua Color


The cheats are posted below. Do this to find all of the cheats:


1. Go to the Town.

2. Go inside the Gift Shop.

3. Click on the book in the bottom right-hand corner.


Here's how to find the Red and Blue Viking Helmet Cheats:

4. For the RED Viking Helmet go to the 6th page of the catalog

5. Click on the inside of the piano

6. If you want the BLUE Viking Helmet, click on and off the piano four times.

You have found the RED and BLUE Viking Helmets!!


Cheat for Blue Viking Helmet

Cheat for Blue Viking Helmet


Blue Viking Helmet

Blue Viking Helmet


Here's how to find the Crystal Staff Cheat:

7. Go the the 7th page of the Catalog.

8. Click on the word PENGUINS in the "Penguins At Work"

You have found the Crystal Staff!


Cheat for Crystal Staff

Cheat for Crystal Staff


Crystal Staff

Crystal Staff


Here's how to find the Canteen Cheat:

9. Go to the 8th page of the catalog

10. Click the seashell

You have found the Canteen!


Canteen Cheat

Canteen Cheat





Here's how to fins the Woodsman's Hat Cheat:

11. Go to the 10th page of the Catalog

12. Click on the last window on the right

You have found the Woodman's Hat!


Woodsman's Hat Cheat

Woodsman's Hat Cheat


Woodman's Hat

Woodman's Hat


Here's how to find the Blue Dragon Costume Cheat:

13. Go to the 11th page of the Catalog

14. Click the dragon shadow on the staircase

You have found the Blue Dragon Costume!


Blue Dragon Costume Cheat

Blue Dragon Costume Cheat


Coolio!!! I love the new catalog!



#2 Josh 2012-04-29 18:26
coooooooooooooo oolllllll
#1 kaleigh 1997 2009-08-08 15:54
I am so glad the green puffle beanbag chair won!!! I was not all that happy about aqua winning though because if you buy it then buy light blue and put them both on they look the same! I was wondering why there were no hidden items in the new catalog. :sad:

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