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Club Penguin Pin: The Golden Feather Pin!

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Cool! This pin goes with the Secret Of The Bamboo Forest play. Here's how to find the newest pin that came out early!

1. Go to the Beach

2. Go inside the Lighthouse'

3. Go up to the Beacon

4. Go to the Feather pin on top of the box



You have now found the Golden Feather Pin!

This is so cool! I love it when CP comes out with stuff early!



#4 moly2012 2011-02-11 11:09
is it before 11 february cuz i cant find it
#3 victoria 2010-10-13 11:42
i dont kar......
#2 elena32654 2010-05-29 13:19
ive found it ages ago
#1 kyran 2010-02-13 10:35
i've found it!!!!!!!!

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