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New Pin Cheat: The Igloo Pin!

User Rating:  / 14

There's a new pin out! Here's how to find it:


1. Go to the Plaza

2. Go down the manhole

3. Go over to the window




You have now found the Igloo Pin! Cool! Pics coming soon :)



#9 SARAJISCUTE 2012-01-06 14:12
#8 ashakhkjd 2011-05-06 17:25
awesome and cool i love club penguin it is the best
#7 WALER10 2011-03-12 07:36
ITS NOT THERE!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!
#6 Cool Marco1 2011-03-09 21:00
when is the igloo pin coming out
#5 manu0002 2010-12-30 12:10
#4 angelicice03 2010-10-26 01:39
omg!it worked. ty :3
#3 sa 2010-10-10 06:25
is no goes
#2 Blueblue7874 2010-09-03 20:22
Thank you
#1 puppy rox1 2010-08-31 02:18
thanks it worked

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