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Warm Coats Warm Hearts

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Hi penguins! Today I found out Club Penguin is doing an AWESOME charity. Many people don't have coats, but Club Penguin will be teaming up with Good Morning America in Times Square New York, on December 2, 2011. There they will be having a coat drive and Lane will be there!


Here's where we get involved, if Club Penguin gets over 100,000 drawings of penguins wearing coats, they will send Captain Rockhopper out to Times Square to help collect coats! I think this is awesome! To send in your pictures, go to


I think this is SUPER nice of Club Penguin. I don't know if many of you know this, but I like to design Club Penguin graphics of my penguin or other penguins, so I will definatly be sending a picture in! I will also watch GMA on December 2, and see all the nice drawings :)


Put your hearts up for Club Penguin! <3


For more information on this topic, see the video blog that Lane did:


Waddle on Penguins! Stay warm<3




#1 Alexandra 2011-11-19 15:27
Where do we send them to in the mail? like wat place? we have no addresss.

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