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FIeld OP Mission!

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Today a new Field OP mission came! Lets see what we have to do...


Ok. We need to go to the Arcade Room and go to where my yellow puffle is ( by the Bolts and Bits game).



Your spyphone should it and this appears...



It says SYSTEM ALERT. Repair the system! Enter the directions for the rebair bot. Lead it to the corrupted systems. Be precise- you can only send five sets of commands.






YAY! Well done agent! Those errors in the Arcade Food Maker 3000 caused every cup of coffee to be made with jelly beans. Thanks for looking after this. Enjoy the party, and keep your eye out for trouble.


If you are a member, you can click elite gear and get cool cloths!

Waddle on CP






#1 Clubpenguinvids01 2012-03-17 05:55
I have an important message. SO, I finished the field opp and the pictures of the penguin who was speaking started changing and the message said something about this: Klutzy, we strike the lighthouse soon. and yada yada yada, but then it changed to the proper one.

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