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New Changes? I need your help!

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I Am BACK!!!

Yes, a long absense is bad, but I am back and will be posting regularly. Sorry about that :)


Anyways while I was gone, I have a few new points to share with you guys:


1. I found an extra 1 month membership in my room the other day.... know what that means? GIVEAWAY/ CONTEST!!! I need your ideas though :)


2. Question Corner is going to be coming back every Saturday! Leave me a question to answer next Saturday, and I will answer it!


3. Currently I am working on a BRAND NEW design for this website in honor of our 3rd birthday. This will be most likely online between this summer, and fall


4. New CPL Agents are going to be picked over the course of the summer. If you would like to be a CPL agent, go here


5. Parties! Everyone loves parties right? Well I'm planning on having 2 big summer bashes, along with reviews and pictures on CPL!


All in all, MAJOR changes will be occuring on CPL. Durring summer, there's going to be a lot more interaction between me adn you and I can't wait to meet you guys :) Stay tuned. This summer......

will be



Waddle On CPL!


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