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Secret Of The Bamboo Forest Play Here Early!

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Oh My! Since all of the updates for the servers to go faster take so much time, Club Penguin decided to let the Secret Of The Bamboo Forest play debut early! And also there's already sooo many people taking part in this already! So cool. There's lot's to know, so let's get started!


1. So first you need to go to the Beach and up to the Beacon (don't ask why. It'll be clear later)

2. Walk up to the Golden Feather Pin


3. Click yes


4. Go to the stage


5. You will see a little golden feather glowing near the royal chair

6. Click on the little golden feather

7. Cross to the other side by a small bridge


8. A small pedistal will apear. Go to it


9. There's a background on the pedestal. Go up to it and click yes.



Don't you love this new stage? I do! Lol!



#4 croks 2010-10-07 12:25
cp roks
#3 Tis8 2010-03-07 16:49
well more pictures ever see me on club penguin im Tis8 bye - goodbye
#2 lil pay 2010-02-21 11:44
awesome tx:-)
#1 Rockn Ryan 4 2010-02-11 20:13
LOL SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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