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Club Penguin Times Issue: 246

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Music Jam!



On page A2 it talks about the Music Jam. This party will start on July 9th. Also if you look on page C7 the upcoming events it says Casa Fiesta! Conga and Jam in this exclusive member's room! Coolio!



On page A4 it talks about the new clothing at the Gift Shop

On Page B1 the in focus section it talks about the Aqua Grabber... Maybe because of the Giand Squid sightings?

On page C5 is the game of the week... Puffle-So-Cute-O... kinda like Suduko :) Here's what picture you get when you finish it



And on Page C7, the Upcoming Events:



July 9: Music Jam and New Postcards

July 16: New Pin Hidden


I just can't wait until the music jam!! I love that party :)



#2 rexdogs 2010-07-03 18:03
but is they any cheats for Puffle-So-Cute- O someone tell me plz
#1 angel 2010-07-02 22:07
its so cool

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