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Found Candice on Club Penguin!!

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I FOUND CANDENCE!!! I found her on Mammoth, and you know what's weird? I was trying to find Gary!!! LOL. Ok - I have one picture.

Image of Candence in Club Penguin

LOL!!! Sweet right? I'm still trying to find Gary! Comment if you see him!!


Check out the Club Penguin Cadence Tracker for the latest sighting of Cadence and the band!



#74 penguin977 2012-10-19 21:43
I found him in the mansion yesterday.
#73 Clarita92646 2012-02-06 10:38
candece in which places are?
#72 Dance1519 2011-06-27 17:56
Where Is Aunt Artic?
#71 gwgwaewwgwew 2011-06-25 06:24
#70 Kchelsea1 2011-06-20 23:18
umm i have not met her but its OK HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAH!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! :-) :-)
#69 kamryn 2011-06-20 23:14
omg you do not have to be sooooooooo rude
#68 Mary 2011-06-17 08:56
i really need to find cadance!!! please help me find her!!!!
#67 caylie 2011-05-17 14:25
I found him!!!!!!!! but mostly i luv candace shes awesome Lol.... p.s my penguins name is winter33447 i luv cp.
#66 spot 2011-02-25 07:38
can you find cadence?
#65 Brynn 2011-02-20 06:47
i saw gary last year in snow agenl maybe he is gowing to be there this year! :-)

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