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6 New Spanish Servers

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There's 6 new spanish servers out. Here they are:




The new servers are Elemento ninja, Codigo agente, Iglulandia, Isla pirata, Invasion puffle, and Pinguinopolis! These servers are really cool! I can't wait until hablo espanol con mi amigos!(that means until i speak spanish with my friends) lol




#5 Elif 1999 2010-10-05 23:52
#4 Elif 1999 2010-10-05 23:51
cool servers
#3 Elif 1999 2010-10-05 23:48
cool servers
#2 Elif 1999 2010-08-16 10:45
hi.this is an awsum site.whats ur penguin name?
#1 MagicWand124 2010-08-04 04:11
I know a little of spanish. I think the seversin english are ninja element, Secret Agent, Igloo Land, Pirate Island, Puffle Invasion, and Penguinoplis!

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