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Art For Haiti Update

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The Art For Haiti artis have made it safely to Haiti and have started to work on the mural! The school construction is going well to. Here's the old school and the new school construction:



Awww. The first picture makes me really sad... just a couple of benches and barely a roof? It makes me really happy that Club Penguin is replacing that. It looks like it will have walls and two buildings :)

Also did you know that Club Penguin is doing this because of all of the feedback saying that they should do something to help Haiti? Thank you penguins!

Next Saturday Club Penguin will send us pictures of the finished mural :) I can't wait to see it! Thanks again Club Penguin for helping out Haiti! You guys are awesome =D



#3 Sheesh4 2010-09-06 08:03
Same here. Every single person on earth deserves a home, loving parents, and a good education, food and water, and friends.
#2 sk8tergrl483 2010-09-06 07:57
I hope that they get the good education they need to get jobs later on in life. I really do...
#1 Sheesh4 2010-09-06 07:48
Yes. It makes me very happy, too. I am glad that Club Penguin is spending their time, and money, to help out others in need. In my opinion, this was a great, and creative idea, and I sure do hope it helps those poor, children. :-)

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