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Pop Quiz!

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School has just started up and last week Club Penguin wanted to know what team you support. Since lots of penguins didn't know Club Penguin decided to give us a pop quiz! Just choose the penguin you are most like. Here's the choices:



You can go to vote here. I think I'm actually most like option D. I love to decorate my igloo, acting and singing! I think option D is the Yellow Team because the Yellow Puffle loves acting art and singing! lol! Lets Go Yellow Team Lets Go!! Lets Go Lets Go!






#2 Sheesh4 2010-09-17 15:43
LOL! XD! Yeah... I think you're right. I took the quiz, and I think I'm most like option C. Which one is this, do you think?
#1 Sheesh4 2010-09-16 15:21
LOL! XD! I already took the poll, but thanks for sharing, anyway! =)

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