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Club Penguin Times Issue: 260

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Halloween Igloo Contest October 15-17!



Page A2 talks about the halloween decorating contest. Here's what the judges are looking for:

"The judges are looking for creativity - not necessarily igloos with lots of items. So start saving coins now, and make sure to check out next week's newspaper for more contest details!"


Page A4 talks about the 5th aniversity. This is a one day only event!!! Don't miss it!



The puzzle this week is a dot-to-dot! Here's what you get when you finish:



And last but not least, the upcoming events!



October 8: New pin, Secret's of the Bamboo Forest, and new postcards

October 15: Better Igloo's and Igloo Decorating Contest!


The aniversary party's going to be so much fun!



#1 Sheesh4 2010-10-07 15:40
Awesome! I love new newspapers! Thanks for the heads-up and the info.! =D

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