Introducing Our Newest CPL Agent Sheesh4!
- Details
- Category: Club Penguin Land Blog
- Published on 26 November 2010
- Written by sk8tergrl483
Many of you have seen Sheesh 4 commenting around Clubpenguinland. My rule is that anyone who puts in as much time and effort as Sheesh 4 can become CPL Agents. She has been around for as long as I can remember and I happily announce her as our newst addition to our CPL Agents! Here's a little survey I put together to help you get to know Sheesh4 a bit better:
What is your favorite color puffle and why?
I don't have a favorite color puffle. I like them all. They are all different, and have their own unique personalities.
What is the room and server you are most on?
The room that I am most on depends, as does the server. I will always go to a server that my buddy is on, and if I am playing a game to earn stamps, I will go to a server with not a lot of people, unless it is a multiplayer game.
What is your favorite CP game?
My favorite CP game is all games! I like them all!
What is your favorite pin?
My favorite pin is the Watermelon Pin.
How did you hear about CP?
I heard about CP from a friend of mine. His Club Penguin name is Uglyduck713.
When did you join and how many days have you been on CP?
I joined on May 12, 2010, while the Medieval Party 2010 was going on. I have been on Club Penguin for 197 days.
Thank you so much Sheesh! I know you will be a very awesome CPL Agent! Keep up all the hard work!
If you want to be a CPL Agent your in luck :) The previous CPL Agents have quit CP for a long time. I am needing recruits now! For the next month please contact me if you want to be a CPL Agent, and post a lot of comments like Sheesh4 did. As for priveledges, I will follow you on Twitter, be your buddy on CP and you will get special access to a special page (not out yet) specifically for CPL agents :) Good luck everyone! And one more thank you for Sheesh4!
I will be able to come on a 5:30 on that server and room. I'll meet u there!
P.S Look for a penguin named mayni233 k? See ya there!
i dont think your getting my coments!
please post hear if you are!
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