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EPF: Mini-Mission 18!

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Wow 18 Field Ops! Seems like yesterday they started! Lol! Anyway there's a new one out today. Go to the yellow board in the command board to get started:)



1. Read your assignment from gary



2. Go to the Dock

3. Go over to the Hydro Hopper

4. Click on your spyphone



5.  Play the mini-game. Destroy the circits by clicking on the same shape.



You have earn one carear medal :)

Actually this one hasn't been played for like 3 field ops! lol



#3 Cutie12390 2010-10-14 12:47
People say that the halloween contest is here, but when i checked my igloo, it was not there! It was just like on my friend's computer it didnt show the big x at the cove at the adventure party so she couldn't get the bandanna! It's so unfair when stuff like this happens! :sad:
#2 Lollamepen 2010-10-13 00:01
HURRAY 17 more days to H A L L O W E E N!!!!!!!!!!
#1 Cutie12390 2010-10-12 21:07
New glitch! New glitch! I just played the last book of PBL in cp when a different ending came! It was where they didn't clean the dojo with the capes, but they cleaned it with an octopus! Is that really a glitch? I think it is!

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