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Club Penguin Halloween Party Cheats

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Yay! The Halloween Party is here! Let's get on to all of the cool Halloween stuff.


Let's start with the free items. This years free item is the Pumpkin Antennas. They are at the Plaza.


Pumpkin Antennas

Pumpkin Antennas


Pumpkin Antennas Found

Pumpkin Antennas Found


Next is secret rooms. There are two this year.

The first one is at the Underground Mine. If you click on the mine lamp there will be a secret door, leading you to the Mad Scientist's Lab. There is also a catalog with clothes in it too (sorry, for members only!)


Mad Scientist's Lab

Mad Scientist's Lab


Mad Scientist Catalog

Mad Scientist Catalog


And there's the Haunted House which in outside the Mine. There is a Free pumpkin Head, and a ton of spooky surprises.


Haunted House

Haunted House


Now lets do the Candy Hunt cheats. Here's how to find the Candy Bar candy!


1. Go to the Lodge Attic

2. Click on the pumpkin


Candy Bar

Candy Bar


You have now found the Candy Bar candy!


Here's how to find the Candy Corn candy


3. Go to the Dock

4. Click on the triangle hole in the pumpkin


Candy Corn

Candy Corn


You have now found the Candy Corn candy!


Here' how to find the Lollipop candy


5. Go to the Pet Shop

6. Click on the Chandelier





You have now found the Lollipop candy!


Here's how to find the Pink Candy candy


7. Go to the Cove

8. Click on the book on the billboard


Pink Candy

cPink Candy


You have now found the Pink Candy candy!


Here's how to find the Pumpkin candy


9. Go to the Underground Pool

10. Click on the pumpkin decoration


Pumpkin Candy

Pumpkin Candy


You have now found the Pumpkin Candy!


Here's how to find the Caramel candy


11. Go to the Soccer Pitch

12. Click on the box in the big light


Caramel Candy

Caramel Candy


You have now found the Caramel Candy!

Here's how to find the Candy Apple Candy


13. Go to the Forest

14. Click on the moving bush in the background


Candy Apple

Candy Apple


You have now found the Candy Apple candy!


Here's how to find the Green Stripe candy


15. Go to the Underground part of the Mine

16. Click on the green stick in the green stuff in the bottom right hand corner


Green Stripe Candy

Green Stripe Candy


You have now found the Green Stripe Candy!


Here's how to find the Halloween Background


17. Click on the pumpkin in the top part of your screen

18. Click the Claim Prize button


Halloween Background

Halloween Background


Halloween Background Found

Halloween Background Found


You have now found the Halloween Background!


Awesome cheats!!! I love Halloween... what are you going to be?



#10 boggo123 2012-05-20 13:28
#9 wammy 1234 2010-11-26 11:22
hi polly i think the cheat codes are not good to use cuz its nice to find stuff without cheating but if yar desbrate to cheat then u can plz plz plz plz plzz post a reply
#8 Kira-Lynn 2010-11-19 07:44
Sorry ,this is not 2010 so you should probably update it.
#7 Polly68119 2010-11-01 01:27
It's 2010 already. You need to update it. The guide's not useful now.
#6 me 2010-10-30 00:44
they are not of 2010 so they are not right you need to update it
#5 Elephants14 2010-10-25 08:36
WOW I can't wait till this years cuz its my first one so i can't wait and these pics are really cool thx for putting them on but I might need them this year they might be in the same place u never know what will happen ok? So thx bye now!!!!
#4 Elif 1999 2010-08-16 10:50
awsome!but i create my penguin 20th february not see halloween.
#3 Peninten 2009-11-01 14:09
COOL i have already got the back rond tho
#2 square deck 2009-10-30 18:15
Where did all these penguins come from?!?!? lolz
#1 snake 2009-10-28 18:19
Crowded rooms!!

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