Your guide to Club Penguin Sneak Peeks on Club Penguin!

Mission 11 Coming In A Few Months? What?!

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Once again Club penguin gave us a sneak peek of mission 11 with not so much info. They gave us a picture, and also said that the mission will be out in a few months. This mission better be the best mission ever because of us waiting so long(it better not be like mission 10 which took me 15 minutes to complete!)!!! Anyway, here's the so called "sneak peek" that Club Penguin gave us...


What to you think he's planning? Club Penguin will be giving us more sneak peeks in the coming weeks...

In the meantime, you can practice your agent skills by doing the previous missions - and continue to keep the island safe. If you're not an agent yet, if your penguin is 30 days old, you can click the M at the top right of your screen. Then click the button that says: "Become a Secret Agent". You'll get to take a quiz to apply.

This mission better be long, fun, and challenging! I hope it's good! We haven't had a new mission in ages!

Oh and if you need help on secret agent missions 1 - 10 click here!



#1 Spencer 2010-03-05 05:24
i think fuzzy the crab gets in the hole that puffles can fit in

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