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Club Penguin Clothing Catalog Cheats November 2009

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Cool! Club Penguin has a new clothing catalog is out and there are cheats. Here are all of the clothing catalog cheats.


1. Go to the Town

2. Go to the Gift Shop

3. Click on the catalog in the bottom right hand corner.


Here's how to find the Dizzy Hairdo cheat


4. Go to the 3rd page

5. Click on the white puffle


Dizzy Hairdo Cheat

Dizzy Hairdo Cheat


You have now found the Dizzy Hairdo cheat!


Here's how to find the Red Viking Helmet


6. Go to the 4th page

7. Click on the Dojo in the background


Red Viking Helmet

Red Viking Helmet


You have now found the Red Viking Helmet cheat!


Here's how to find the Blue Viking Helmet cheat


8. Stay on the 4th page

9. Click in and out on the Dojo in the background 4 times


Blue Viking Helmet

Blue Viking Helmet


You have now found the Blue Viking Helmet cheat!


Here's how to find the Black Superhero Cape cheat


10. Go to the 5th page

11. Click on the little blue mushroom on the right


Black Superhero Cape Cheat

Black Superhero Cape Cheat


You have now found the Black Superhero Cape cheat!


Here's how to find the Black Superhero Mask cheat


12. Go to the 6th page

13. Click on the work Work


Black Superhero Mask Cheat

Black Superhero Mask Cheat


You have now found the Black Superhero Mask!


Here's how to find the Black Bowtie cheat


14. Go to the 7th page

15. Click on the N in clearance


Black Bowtie Cheat

Black Bowtie Cheat


You have now found the Black Bowtie cheat!


That's all of the cheats!



#7 Erisvandasilva 2012-03-19 16:14
penguin name is aryan74529 my e-mail is I don't have a teittwr. I don't like the way some members interact with non-members but its a fun place to earn coins and learn about partnership and money and etc. I am an Indian boy who lives in America right now and my age is 11.I live in Virginia in arlington county.I post any cheat anything you would like. In club penguin i am an expert on bean counters and aqua grabber.the cheats for the new cp catolog are:on the first page,the bucket on the penguin=1click red viking helmet 3 clicks blue viking helmet: tree after the last 2 trees=big white scarf:the blue light on the firstchirstmas page=puffle pullover:the f in fee=blue fuzzy hat:the second step on the snow fort=yellow toque,black whirlpool snow suit yellow puffle=candy cane wing warmers:the tip of the trees=blue striped scarf,blue earmuffs,blue mittens.the cheats for the new cp catolog are:on the first page,the bucket on the penguin=1click red viking helmet 3 clicks blue viking helmet: tree after the last 2 trees=big white scarf:the blue light on the firstchirstmas page=puffle pullover:the f in fee=blue fuzzy hat:the second step on the snow fort=yellow toque,black whirlpool snow suit yellow puffle=candy cane wing warmers:the tip of the trees=blue striped scarf,blue earmuffs,blue mittens.
#6 please 2011-03-04 16:40
#5 Apollo0777 2010-01-05 09:46
I need to become a member!!!!!!!!! !!!
#4 rockhopper 2009-12-17 14:05
arrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrr
#3 Emmah 2009-11-15 01:40
Awesome i have now got sone new clothes and got different clothes as well and by the way im a memeber on cp and i also make Vids on there and it called neaver been so happy. If u want to go on My acount on club penguin its. Username: Tibbles55 Password: (removed). Have a great time on my acount. Bye
#2 Tibbles55 2009-11-15 01:37
Awesome i have now got some different clothes!!!! By the way Im famous and my user name is Tibbles55 and my password is (removed) anyone can go on my acount and im also a memember. Have a great time on my acount bye bye for now. From Emma xxxxxxxxxxxx
#1 Luckyme8 2009-11-14 08:18

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