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Sport's Catalog Moved And Cheats

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The Soccor Pitch is back, but woah... look at it! It got renovated!!! Snack bar, sports, the announcing stand, and then new seating? Cool!



Anyway here's the snow and sports catalog cheats:


Here's the cheat for the new Sport's Catalog:

1. Go to the 1st page

2. Click on the soccor ball in the air



You have now found the Green Soccor Uniform!!

Have you checked out the new EPF yet? If not it's awesome!!!



#20 pink penguin someone is going to die today 2011-08-22 13:30
there is no website like club penguin ive tried binweevlies moshi monsters moviestar planet and much much more so my fingers are always up for playing and ife got some jokes for you here

1. what did the sea say to the boat??? nothing it just waved hahaha

2.why did the man cross the sea??? i dont know hahaha

sorry i forgot the rest my fat chubby one leged mother told me to go to bed
#19 meh haha i d k 2011-08-05 01:58
what about the new ones um the yellow sport clothles
#18 lucy24779 2011-06-04 22:53
no theres another 1 on pg 3 on the left hand side. its where there is 2 bolts. you get the yellow sports uniform
#17 lucy24779 2011-06-04 22:53
no theres another 1 on pg 3 on the left hand side. its where there is 2 bolts. you get the yellow sports uniform
#16 lucy24779 2011-06-04 22:51
no theres another one on pg 3 on the left hand side where there is 2 bolts. you get the yellow sports uniform
#15 lucy24779 2011-06-04 22:51
no theres another one on pg 3 on the left hand side where there is 2 bolts. you get the yellow sports uniform
#14 jessilove34 2011-04-28 12:19
GO BLUE TEAM and i want a new sports catalog it iz lame i nearly hav all the stuff in the catalog april 2011 lol it iz getting sorta boring in a funny way but i dunno why it iz funny ii just think it iz a little funny i am rich!!
#13 puffle9000 2011-04-02 18:59
i want a new sports catalog but the january 2011 has not changed a bit i want it to change
#12 click here 2011-01-16 09:25
thanks for posting this, maybe more pictures next time
#11 tinker bell 2010-10-06 06:13
tell me there is no mebear shipe if is no mebership l love it :-)ronot:sad:

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