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December-January 2010 Furniture Catalog Cheats!

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There's a new Furniture Catalog out! Let's see what cheats I found:



Here's how to find the Holiday Lights:

1. Go to the 2nd page

2. Click on the coins for change sign




You have now found the Holiday Lights!

Here's how to find the Holiday Bells:

3. Stay on the 2nd page

4. Click on the star on the tree



You have now found the Holiday Lights!

Here's how to find the Leaning Tree:

5. Go to the 3rd page

6. Click on the candle inside the Candy Cane


You have now found the Leaning Tree!

Here's how to find the Icicle Lights:

7. Stay on the 3rd page

8. Click on the wood inside the stove



You have now found the Leaning Tree!

Here's how to find the fire place:

9. Go to the 4th page

10. Click on the word"scarf"




You have now found the Fire Place!

Here's how to find the Wrounght Iron Lamp Post:

11. Stay on the 4th page

12. Click on the blue bird



You have now found the Wrought Iron Lamp Post!

Here's how to find the Knight Ice Sculpture:

13. Go to the 5th page

14. Click on the top of the chandelier



You have now found the Knight Ice Sculpture!

Here's how to find the Mirror:

15. Go to the 6th page

16. Click on the pendulum of the grandfather clock


You have now found the Mirror!

Here's how to find the HD-TV:

16. Go to the 7th page

17. Click on the bottom of the perched puffle statue




You have now found the HD-TV!

Here's how to find the Cauldron:

18. Go to the 8th page

19. Click on the "O" in Jack O' Lantern


You have now found the Cauldron!

Here's how to find the Creepy Cottage Cut-Out:

20. Go to the 9th page

21. Click on the orb inside of the Plasma Ball



You have now found the Creepy Cottage Cut-Out!

Here's how to find the Umbrella Table:

22. Go to the 11th page

23. Click on the computer mouse




You have now found the Umbrella Table!


Wow I can't wait to enter the contest with all these new furniture items!



#1 Dance1519 2011-06-29 15:08
Darn I Wish I Was On This Website In 2009!!!!

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