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April - May 2011 Clothing Catalog Cheats!

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Here's how to find the Red and Blue Viking Helmets:

1. Go to the first page

2. Click on the white part of the bucket



You have now found the Red Viking Helmet!

Now if you x out and click on it 4 times you will get the Blue Viking Helmet:


You have now found the Blue Viking Helmet!

Here's how to find the White Cocoa Bunny Costume:

3. Go to the 3rd page

4. Click on the small mountain in the background



You have now found the White Cocoa Bunny Costume!

Here's how to find the White Cocoa Bunny Ears:

5. Stay on the 3rd page

6. Click on the wheel



You have now found the White Cocoa Bunny Ears!

Here's how to find the Country Gal:

7. Go to the 4th page

8. Click on the moon



You have now found the Country Gal!

Here's how to find the Cocoa Bunny Costume:

9. Go to the 5th page

10. Click on the bottle



You have now found the Cocoa Bunny Costume!

Here's how to find the Cocoa Bunny Ears:

11. Stay on the 5th page

12. Click on the barrel



You have now found teh Cocoa Bunny Ears!

Here's how to find the Ocean Blue Hoodie:

13. Go to the 6rd page

14. Click on the beak



You have now found the Ocean Blue Hoodie :)

Here's how to find the Blue Flower Sandels:

15. Go to the 7th page

16. Click on the coffee table leg



You have now found the Blue Flower Sandels :)

Here's how to find the Big White Scarf:

17. Go to the 16th page

18. Click on the circled tree



You have now founf the Big White Scarf!

Here's how to find the Chic outfit:

19. Go to the 14th page

20. Click on the "penguins"



You have now found the Chic outfit!

Here's how to find the Blue Fuzzy Hat:

21. Go to the 17th page

22. Click on the F in Coffee



You have now found the Blue Fuzzy Hat!

Here's how to find the Puffle Pullover:

23. Stay on the 17th page

24. Click on either blue light bulbs


You have now found the Puffle Pullover!

Here's how to find the Yellow Toque and Black Whirlpool Snowsuit:

25. Go to the 18th page

26. Click on the snow step




You have now found the Yellow Toque and Black Whirlpool Snowsuit!

Here's how to find the Candy Can Wing Warmers:

27.Stay on the 18th page

28. Click on the yellow puffle



You have now found the Candy Cane Wing Warmers!



#31 pink2445 2011-05-22 07:22
click on the title to get the SILVER SURFBORD!!!!!!! !!! 800 COINS!!!!!!!!!! ! MEMBERS ONLY!!!!!!!!!!! !!!
#30 cooliodudio 2011-05-05 14:09
click on waves in the surf board catalog
#29 Briana 2011-05-03 18:42
Hi Cooldude. I dont mean to crash your party but i just think that you should be a little more thank ful for what he gave you anyways. I am just trying to be kind!
#28 Briana!!! 2011-05-03 18:29
Hi!!! I dont want to be mean. but... you said you had the may 2011 catalog but i dont see it. I think mabey next time you should do that. (tip). Bye!!!
#27 lollies 123 2011-05-03 05:40
i found it so cool
#26 PENGUIN90613 2011-05-02 19:18

#25 penguin 90613 2011-05-02 19:17
i like this site but i was hoping for the atuall

#24 appletart3 2011-05-01 21:05
i knew that already but thanks!
#23 Mia2483 2011-04-30 07:10
#22 Mia2483 2011-04-30 07:09
It dosen't excist!!! I sware!!! Things like that don't excist!! Just like the rainbow puffle! Sorry to be a spoil sport but what i'm saying is true. even ask rockhopper!

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