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Time Trekker In The Snow Forts

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Ready to step into the past? The Time Trekker for next week's party is already at the Snow forts! I'm guessing this will be how we will travel to Club Penguin Past :)


Wow! This thing is bigger than it looks. Literally! The inside is huge compared to the outside. As you can see there's a message from Gary on the inside reading "Greetings friends! Prepare for a scientifically extraordinary adventure! Return on Jan 17 when my Time Trekker is ready for a trip to the Age of the Dinosaurs!"

Sounds awesome! I'm really excited for this party! What about you? Leave us a comment explaining what you are most excited about :)

Waddle On CPL!




#4 sk8tergrl483 2013-01-13 19:18
Opal5 - thanks for the concern! Im an expert though. Do NOT try this at home fellow penguins! lol :)
Waddle on CPL!
#3 Wallaby 2013-01-13 03:35
Im most excited about meeting a dinosaur finally
#2 Loki 2013-01-12 19:20
So Coooooooolllll!
#1 Opal5 2013-01-11 14:34
sk8ter you are going to get run over get out of the way!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry:

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