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Club Penguin Times Issue: 258

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Game On At The Stadium!



Page A2 talks about the games at the stadium. It looks like there will be drilling, 100 meter waddle, and more! This starts TODAY!!!



Page A4 talks about the black puffle found in the Mine... this could lead to the black puffles wth that game. Wouldn't it be awesome if every puffle had a game?



On page C5 the puffle is Puffle-So-Cute-O

And last but not least the upcoming events:



September 24: Penguin Games and New Pin

October 1: New Penguin Style catalog

October 5 New Stamps!

October 8: New Mail and Play


Do you think the Penguin Games is going to be like the Olympics? lol PENGUIN Olympics!



#2 Cutie12390 2010-09-27 19:05
I hope you can get us a sneek peek of black puffles on mine carts! Maybe even a video! If they did have the Penguin Olympics they should make you go on a trampoline first. If you beat the trampoline game, you move on to dancing with the stars. lol Once you beat that, you go to racing with cadence and flying birds. lol After that is the final game which is scavenger hunt with yarr. After you beat that (Which is the easiest one lol) you get a thousand gold medals to put in your house.
#1 Sheesh4 2010-09-23 07:48
Cool! Thanks for sharing! I love the newspaper! I look forward to it every week! =D

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