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Club Penguin Times Issue #284

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Explore The Box Dimension!



Thanks to a bumbling agent, new areas of the box dimension have been opened. One expert is mapping out the entire Box Dimension! "These rooms are unlike anything I've ever seen!" said the expert. "I can't thank that agent enough. Because of this accident, There are new rooms to explore. I must map them all!" The expert has a big job ahead of him. " Once you've pass into the Box Dimension, You are presented with seven boxes." "each box has a different symbol," he said. "The symbol provides a clue to what's in the room!" "The hardest part to map is the stair room," the expert continued. "Down is up and up is down - but I'm UP to the challenge!" Diligent Agents have investigated and declared the rooms fit for public access durring the party. Explore the new Box Dimension rooms by heading to the snowforts!


St Patricks Day Winners!



Go check out the newspaper and see if your name is in there!


And the upcoming events:


I'm ready to start partying now :)


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