Your guide to Club Penguin Cheats on Club Penguin!

Club Penguin Cheats

Clubpenguin dance glitch!

User Rating:  / 7

Hey guys someone on Clubpenguin showed me this glitch! So follow these steps if you would like to do this glitch.



1: Put on an outfit that makes you do a special move. Like i did a jet pack and it makes you fly.

2: If your a member go to your top right and click the bag and press transform into Bing Bong or Rainbow unicorn.


 Then when you look at yourself you look like this! cool right?

And that is all for now. Thanks for reading!

Waddle on cp



New Hammer Pin Cheat!

User Rating:  / 28

Hey Guys! I just found a new pin and thought I'd share how to find it with you! So this week's collectible pin is the stone hammer pin. Fits the theme for the Prehistoric Party. Soooo to find this go to the dock!!!

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NEW Code Cheat for FREE Item!!!!

User Rating:  / 38

So Club Penguin gave out another free code for "Safer Internet Day." I'm not positive about what that is, but at least everyone gets a FREE item for their penguin! You can be a member or a nonmember!

So after you log into your penguin, do not click on a server!!! Go to the top right hand corner, and press UNLOCK ITEMS ONLINE.

Type in the code STAYSAFE and you will get.....


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